Hiisi Homies’ Environmental Pledge – From words to action and showing example to others
We want to do our part in making a more sustainable future for everyone and creating even more sustainable business in our industry. During 2022, we have built an environmental management system with EcoCompass, while continuing on the Sustainable Travel Finland path that gives us inspiration for our environmental work.
As part of building the EcoCompass- environmental management system, we have created an environmental pledge for us that communicates our ambition toward sustainability and sheds light on what we aim to do next. The pledge acts as a red thread in our sustainability work and reminds us constantly about where we are heading to.
Additionally, we have made relevance and impact analysis together with EcoCompass, meaning that we have defined the most critical and impactful areas to focus on in our company’s sustainability work that plays a big role in our everyday operations. We will renew the defined targets within these critical areas at least every three years. Our goal is to inspire our homies the heart of the business as well as homies staying at our premises and cooperation partners to become more sustainable by utilizing and following the existing instructions and possibilities.
Our targets for the next three years are:
- Find out our beds’ environmental impacts as well as an origin that helps us to make more sustainable choices in the future
- Planning the routes more environmentally friendly regarding visits to the premises and optimizing our storage capacity to decrease emissions
- Increase the knowledge of our staff and external stakeholders about our sustainability work through regular communication and when possible, taking the ‘disability’- aspect into consideration
- Inspire our staff and cooperation partners to live more sustainability every day
- Encourage our customers to favor public transport when possible and use water and electricity smarter
- Calculate carbon footprint for one home and homelike hotel
- Keep the staff up-to-date by organizing internal sustainability training
- Make sustainability a starting point and a vital aspect to consider in our company’s everyday life.
Here you can read more about our sustainability: https://www.hiisihomes.fi/en/sustainability/