Professional cleaning companies ensure the cleanliness of temporary homes and hotels
At Hiisi Homes & Hotels, Siskon Siivous and Lecator take care of the cleanliness and hygiene of the premises, so that it is safe for guests, staff and partners to visit all locations. Cleaning partners’ employees are professionals in the cleaning industry and trained to clean even in special situations.
Enhanced maintenance cleaning is performed with Hiis, and special attention is paid to the cleaning and disinfection of frequently used contact surfaces, such as door handles. Only disinfection and cleaning solutions are used that are approved by the local authorities that regulate the use of chemicals (e.g. the Environmental Protection Agency). All employees of the cleaning partners also follow the instructions of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (TTL) and the Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare (THL).
The trained cleaners of Siskon Siivous and Lecator mainly use a weakly alkaline general purpose cleaner for cleaning. The disinfectant is used to remove secretion stains, to clean the surfaces of sanitary facilities and, if necessary, to disinfect contact surfaces. In disinfection cleaning, after general cleaning, the contact surfaces are treated with alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or chlorine-containing disinfectant. Cleaning tools are always cleaned after cleaning is finished or when moving from one cleanliness area or space to another. Public spaces and staff spaces are cleaned with different tools if necessary. This ensures a hygienic and high-quality end result in the cleaning work. As our resident, please note that some of these substances are scented, so we do not offer scent-free cleaning.
The bed linen and towels used by Hiis are rental textiles from the Finnish company Comforta. Comforta’s clean and hygienic textiles are washed in an industrial wash according to hospital hygiene standards. The responsibly and certified service complies with the EU standard EN 14065, which ensures the required level of hygiene throughout the entire service process.
Cozy, clean and safe living when you settle in Hiite!
What cleaning measures should the resident take upon departure?
Residents are responsible for cleanliness during their stay. In Hiisi’s temporary homes, you can find basic cleaning supplies such as a vacuum cleaner. If you wish, you can order professional cleaning or change of bed linen and towels from Hiisi’s resident service for a separate additional fee. Accommodation lasting more than six months includes one stayover cleaning per half-year period of residence, if requested separately. We encourage our residents to sort, and there are comprehensive possibilities for sorting at the waste sorting point of all temporary home sites.
Final cleaning is always included in the price of living at Hiisi. Listed below is what the resident should do when leaving to make the cleaning work easier.
Guest Cleaning Tasks Upon Departure| Hiisi Homes properties
- make sure the furniture is in its right place
- dirty dishes in the dishwasher and dishwasher on or, in the absence of a dishwasher, in the sink
- take the trash to the apartment building’s sorting point, remember to sort!
- leave the temporary home in normal condition – for a messier than usual temporary home, we charge an additional fee upon departure
Guest Cleaning Tasks Upon Departure| Hiisi Homes properties
- make sure the furniture is in its right place
- take dirty dishes to the guest kitchen
- put trash in the room trash bin – remember to sort!
- leave the hotel room in normal condition – for a messier than usual room, we charge an additional fee upon departure